New Years

Yoga & Meditation
with Christian Kline
WHEN: Saturday, September 2 | 11:00 - 1:00pm
COST: $25
Click here to register online.
Location: 786 Horseneck Rd. South Dartmouth MA.

Most definitions of Meditation are confusing. It could be this or that or the other, but what is clear is the science that states that meditation can effect blood pressure, depression, and anxiety. Yoga has benefits that are similar in improving our mental and physical state. And in this speciality class, they come together full circle in a way that might feel well rounded. You will learn how to prepare for seated meditation practice by warming up with yoga postures and also how to sync with the meditative experience which can be cultivated during your practice yoga. Christian will teach and guide you to understand more about each and the great benefits both can have on your day to day life. Join in on this cheerful yet introspective experience and round out the summer with some wellness! Christian started meditation in his 20’s with Zen Buddhism, from there he has wandered into several sorts of meditation types. He has settled on a simple practice of watching his thoughts and breathing. He has found that the simple act of committing to sitting and meditating consistently changes his outlook, and mood. Christian has been teaching yoga for 9 years. His approach is through work with your body you can help calm your mind.


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